
Welcome! Thanks for following along with my adventures - down to the very pages that make up the chapters in the current book of my life. Now that that metaphor has been thoroughly exhausted, I hope you'll stick with it and feel a part of the 8 weeks that I will spend in Bo, Sierra Leone. I'll be doing some specific tasks, including: facilitating two book clubs, facilitating a Bible study, tutoring resident students, working with the guidance counselor, and conducting staff training. I'm sure there will also be plenty that I have not anticipated and I'm looking forward to what God brings my way. I appreciate your being a part of it!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Preparing to go back to Sierra Leone...

So, it's Thanksgiving and I'm thinking about reasons to give thanks. I'll be heading back to Sierra Leone in a couple of months. At this point, I'm sending out my brochure and trying to figure out technological glitches re: PDF files and/or Word files. Hassle. Okay, back to giving thanks. I'm thankful that I can go to Africa at all! I'm also thankful for family and friends who support me and care about how this trip will factor into the future. I'm full of really good food so I'm having a hard time writing anything of real intelligence. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Thankful that you are thankful! The adventure has already begun! Blazing a trail ...
